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Neil Armstrong was a great American who was the first man to set foot on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 mission. Despite an abundance of evidence of the landing occurring, three conspiracy theories have emerged that cast doubt that the moon landings took place. These conspiracy theories include:1. Numerous optical anomalies in imaging prove the mission was faked (Launius).2. Atmospheric conditions would have made it impossible to survive the trip.3. The original Apollo tapes are missing from NASA archives and are proof the landings never occurred (Rabie).Although these theories are still around in this day and age and are still being told around by many people, the three main conspiracy theories surrounding the moon landings can be disproved with science, federal records, personal accounts, and worldly accounts recorded by other nations of the spectacular event that occurred in 1969.

Launius, Roger D. “Yes, the United States Certainly DID Land Humans on the Moon.”Smithsonian.Com, Smithsonian Institution, 16 May 2019,

Rabie, Passant. “NASA Addresses Controversy Over ‘Lost Tapes’ of Apollo 11 Moonwalk.”Space.Com, Space, 11 July 2019,

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